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The primary function of the Indiana School for the Deaf Board is to provide the leadership, vision, accountability, and advocacy to ensure the fulfillment of the ISD mission statement.

In carrying out this responsibility, the board will establish policies, assess school performance, facilitate strategic planning efforts, oversee budget preparation, promote stakeholder communication, support statewide outreach efforts, and make recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly.


All meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at the Indiana School for the Deaf, Willard Hall, Media Center, 1200 E 42nd Street, Indianapolis, IN. There is no meeting in December.

Individuals who are not able to attend Board meetings may stay informed by reviewing the Board meeting minutes posted below. Minutes are posted after Board approval.


The ISD Board invites you to attend our meetings and to get to know us. In helping you become better informed about key issues related to ISD and our community, we ultimately help our students.

If after touring this site and you can think of ways to make it more informative and accessible, please drop us a line. We welcome your comments, ideas, and questions. Board correspondence can be submitted to the following email.

School Board Members


Kelly DiBenedetto


Ann Reifel

State Representative

Ed Clere

Board Member

Andy Leffler

Board Member

Lucy Witte

Board Member

Dr. Theresa Miller

Board Member

Dr. Nancy Holsapple

Holsapple, Nancy.jpg

Board Member

Josh Smith

Board Member

Grayson Swaim

Public Participation

Fill out public comment request form.

The Indiana School for the Deaf (ISD) Board recognizes the value of public comment and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on maters related at ISD. In order to permit fair and orderly expression of such comment, the Board has adopted the following procedures:

1. The ISD Board shall, at its regular monthly meeting, accept comments from any interested person on subjects related to the board's responsibilities. Public comments will be accepted during the portion of the meeting that is designated for that purpose.

2. A person who desires to make comments to the board must register with the Superintendent's Office at least 24 hours prior to the board meeting. Required registration information shall include the name, address, and telephone number of the person providing comments; the name of the organization, if any, that the person represents; and the topic to be discussed.

3. Individuals wishing to make public comments are requested to state their comments and recommendations in a positive and broad enough manner such that the desired outcome will benefit as many students or stakeholders as possible.

4. The board shall not accept comments on individual maters that are governed by the Administrative Orders and Procedures Act (IC 4-21.5) or by other statutory procedures that limit public participation.

5. Public comments shall be subject to the following rules:
a. Statements shall be limited to five minutes in length.
b. No person shall speak more than once on the same topic.
c. Comments shall be directed to the board, not to an individual board member, and questions will not be entertained.
d. Statements shall not be abusive or argumentative, and persons making statements shall not debate statements made by other persons.

6. The board chair shall enforce these rules and may, subject to appeal of the board, take actions necessary to maintain order at the board meeting. Such actions may include, but are not limited to:
a. interrupting a person making a statement if the statement is too lengthy, unduly repetitive, or otherwise violates these rules; and
b. limiting the total amount of time devoted to public statements based on the number of persons wishing to make statements and the length of the board's agenda.

Fill out public comment request form.

Meeting Minutes Archives


Printable - Meeting Dates 2024-25

3rd Tuesday of the month from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


  • September 17 - Cancelled

  • October 22

  • November 19

  • December - No Meeting

  • January 21

  • February 18

  • March 18

  • April 15

  • May 20

  • July 22

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