Get ready for a fun-filled performance as the Indiana School for the Deaf Drama Club proudly presents The Grinch! Directed by three of our talented student leaders, Melissa Eicher, Tiana Starayev, and Leokadia Saunders, this adaptation of the beloved holiday classic promises to captivate audiences of all ages.
Mark your calendars for two incredible shows:
Friday, November 15 at 7:30 pm - Purchase Tickets
Saturday, November 16 at 6:00 pm - Purchase Tickets
Join us as we follow the Grinch on his unforgettable journey through Who-ville, with stunning performances and creative ASL storytelling brought to life by our amazing Deaf students. Tickets are now available for purchase on our website so grab yours today and get ready for an evening of holiday magic!
We can't wait to see you there as we celebrate the spirit of the season through the creativity and talent of our Drama Club. Let the countdown to The Grinch begin!